This blog was created to raise awareness about the continuing civil war in Uganda and the children that are being forced into participating in it. The ultimate goal is to gain enough support through continued awareness that eventually large governments will finally step into to end the longest running war in African history. This page has a wealth of information and resources for anyone who would like to learn more about this issue and also get involved. You will find videos, a list of related organizations, and recent news regarding Uganda that you should explore.

Monday, May 2, 2011

What we need to do in order to stop Africas longest running war !

The purpose of this blog is to bring about more awareness to the atrocities and human rights violations that are happening to the children being forced into fighting a war that they know nothing about.

 Most recently the efforts of numerous human rights organizations have resulted in a temporary peace treaty back in 2005.

Although this may seem to be a solution the truth is that the Ugandan government can't protect their own people, they have neither the military nor resources.

The only reasonable solution is to bring in external military forces from well established nations such as the United States. If the U.S. were to take a step to get involved then other large nations would follow suit. Yet the images of failed aid back in 1993 with nevertheless still haunt policymakers. Thus it is up to you and I to go out and make more people aware of what is going on with the children of Uganda. The more people that know the more support we can gain to help sway the minds of the policy makers within our government. Then with the help of nations such as the United States I'm sure that the children of Uganda will finally be safe.

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